Voice actress of Bulma,Hiromi Tsuru Passes away.

It’s a very sad day for Bulma fans because the voice actor who has been voicing the popular character from Dragon Ball franchise has passed away. She died of aortic dissection and was found unconscious in her car, on being taken to the hospital, she was declared dead. She died at 57 on November 16th 2017.

Hiromi has been voicing Bulma for 31 years now, through Dragon Ball ,Dragon Ball Z and all of the movies and relevant media. She had also voiced several other critically acclaimed characters mainly  Ukyo Kuonji(Ranma ½), Dokin-chan (Soreike! Anpanman), Madoka Ayukawa (Kimagure Orange Road), Miyuki Kashima (Miyuki), Reiko Mikami (Ghost Sweeper Mikami), Meryl Strife (Trigun) and Naomi Hunter (Metal Gear Solid series.

Our heart goes out to her family and friends. She has made many of our childhood memories awesome and a special thanks from us Bulma fans, a heartfelt thanks to her for making Dragon Ball and all the other series you have worked on memorable.

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